C++ templates are a powerful feature that allows programmers to write generic code, enabling the creation of reusable algorithms and data structures. Templates enable compile-time polymorphism, allowing classes and functions to operate on different types without sacrificing performance. In this article, we will explore the fundamentals of C++ templates and discuss their benefits and usage.1. Introduction to Templates
Templates in C++ are a mechanism for parameterizing types and functions. They allow the definition of generic classes and functions that can operate on multiple types. The template keyword is used to declare a template, followed by a list of template parameters. For example:```cpp
// ...
T temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;
In the above example, `MyContainer` is a generic class that can hold objects of any type, and `Swap` is a generic function that swaps two objects of any type.
2. Class Templates
Class templates enable the creation of generic classes that can work with different types. The template parameters can be used within the class definition to specify the type of member variables and member functions. For example:```cpp
T* elements;
int size;
// ...
In the above example, `T` represents the generic type, and the class template `MyContainer` can be instantiated with any type.
3. Function Templates
Function templates allow the creation of generic functions that can work with different types. The template parameters are used in the function signature to specify the types of function arguments and return values. For example:```cpp
T temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;
In the above example, the `Swap` function can be used to swap objects of any type.
4. Template Specialization
Template specialization allows for the customization of template behavior for specific types. By providing specialized implementations for specific types, you can override the default template behavior. For example:```cpp
template <> class MyContainer
// Specialized implementation for int type
// ...
In the above example, `MyContainer